"I've wanted this bag for several years, and recently got it as a present for starting a new job. The construction is very good, and the Horween leather has a lovely grain and scent. My bag (the only one I've seen in person) has some blemishes in the leather right out of the packaging, but nothing major. Under each of the four bottom rivets attaching the strap handles, there's a small white spot that I can't seem to get off the leather, but I can get these touched up by a craftsman. The structure inside is minimal, which is exactly what I was looking for. It holds my Macbook Pro, iPad Pro, some charging equipment, and a few writing instruments perfectly, with room in the central pocket for an umbrella and other miscellaneous items. I need to get it touched up in a few areas, but really enjoying it so far (about 2 weeks of use)."
-Josh D. | Verified Buyer