#411 Cone Mills Big Natural

Typical retail price $162 to $243.
Our crowdsourced model saves you 50% to 66% on every purchase.
46% funded
Proudly made at our factory in the United States.
made in usa
This item is estimated to ship in September 2024.
We like natural denim, particularly when it's from the iconic Cone Mills and woven in extra heavy form. We sew it up right in the USA and offer it at one of our best values yet. If you've been waiting to get in on natural denim, now's your chance. The Cone Mills Big Natural.
We often think of natural color denim as more of a summer staple, but when you add real heft it takes on a rugged character that makes a true year-round pant. This one does just that and there's a lot to love here. First is the defining trait - big weight. At 15 ounces, this is a serious pant. A slightly lower starch level gives it more usability. It has a dense, leathery feel - tough but usable. Built to last. The pure cream color is easy to pair. The value makes it hard to pass on.
Choose either our classic straight, slim or skinny fit. More details available in our fit guide.
Available in our Straight, Slim and Skinny fits.
#411, 100% Cotton, 15oz
Raw, Tonal Stitching, Veg Tan Leather Patch
Custom hardware, custom leather patch
Made in
made in usa
Fit guide
Est. Ship
September 2024
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"This salt & pepper plaid shirt is **** awesome. Fit, feel, and look are amazing! Best looking shirt I own. My wife gave me “the eye” when I walked into the kitchen wearing it. Thanks for making it!"
-Scott L.
Verified Buyer
"I really love Gustin. I just don't think I'd choose another brand at any price point. And I love watching for new products/return of old favs. But a very important part of the experience is the great customer service."
-Keith P.
Verified Buyer
"Thank you so much. I love Gustin and appreciate the quality and service you brings to an industry that genuinely needs it. You guys are awesome!"
-Curtis C.
Verified Buyer
"My 1968s came in the mail yesterday…They're amazing! From the fit (thank you for all the hand-holding!) to the detailing, I'm blown away. Just tremendous quality at any price point, but the value here is off the charts."
-Scott S.
Verified Buyer
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