#17 Super Heavy

Typical retail price $338 to $507.
Our crowdsourced model saves you 50% to 66% on every purchase.
93% funded
Proudly made at our factory in the United States.
made in usa
This item is estimated to ship in September 2024.
The Super Heavy is a true selvedge denim trifecta: huge weight, incredible comfort and amazing fades. This is a combination that you rarely find in a single denim, and likely why this style is one of our most popular extra heavy selvedges of all time. The incredible wear-in makes it a must have pair for your collection. 
At 18 ounces this denim is squarely in the extra heavy weight class. The moment you pick this pair up you feel the brick-like heft. However, that's not all you feel. Even in raw form, the fabric is amazingly pliable. It's that rare combination of weight and softness that we love. You feel tough wearing this denim but you can actually enjoy it right on day one. That's a very good thing because the fades are absolutely gorgeous. It starts with a bright indigo shade that's a bit lighter than a traditional dark indigo. It has a more open weave that brightens the overall look further. As you can see by the images, this denim transforms into true work of art over time. Great grain emerges on a sweet medium blue base. This is truly one the most special selvedges we've ever run and not rarely available, so grab yours today.
Choose either our classic Straight, Slim or Skinny fit. More details available in our fit guide.
Available in our Straight, Slim and Skinny fits.
#17 Japan Selvedge, 18oz, Red ID
Raw, Contrast stitching, Veg tan patch
Custom hardware, hand stamped leather patch
Made in
made in usa
Fit guide
Est. Ship
September 2024
What is selvedge denim? Read more on our blog.
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"About a year ago, a coworker introduced me to Gustin (he rocks some of your pants to the office on the regular) and I have been watching the releases ever since. About three months ago, I finally backed a campaign. Since then, I have been so happy with all the pieces I have received."
-Anne F.
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"Thank you so much. I love Gustin and appreciate the quality and service you brings to an industry that genuinely needs it. You guys are awesome!"
-Curtis C.
Verified Buyer
"Your great quality product and customer service are reasons I've been a long time customer and will continue to do so."
-Sean S.
Verified Buyer
"I wanted to tell you how much I love the rainbow nep natural t-shirts. After over a year of trying to find my everyday t-shirt, this is finally it. I have four of them now and they are basically all I wear."
-Anne F.
Verified Buyer
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