Japan Navy Patchwork Joggers

Typical retail price $178 to $267.
Our crowdsourced model saves you 50% to 66% on every purchase.
56% funded
Proudly made at our factory in the United States.
made in usa
This item is estimated to ship in July / August 2024.
Special edition joggers combining rare Japanese fabrics with classic American styling. Meet the Navy Patchwork Joggers.
Bold meets retro in this vintage patchwork design. The base is the same plain weave that is very loose and open, taking on an almost hand woven appearance. The loose weave also makes it incredibly flowing and soft. Layered on top is what we can all agree is one of our most bold pattern styles. A patchwork of contrast color imagery covers the dark navy surface. It all manages to come together into a fun whole.
Sometimes we yield to comfort. Maybe it’s just a really hot day and you want something easy and breathable. Maybe it’s a hike. Maybe you’re finally getting around to the list of things you’ve put off for 6 months that always end up being harder than you thought. Maybe you just want sheer comfort. That’s when we reach for joggers. The combination of casual and formal blends together perfectly to create a pant you can relax in and venture out in. The casual comes from the elastic waistband and cuffs, lending both informality and ease. No belts, no worries about exact waist size. They move to accommodate you. Against that casual backdrop come more refined touches such as the slash front pockets and one welt back pocket.
100% Cotton, 5oz
Washed, Tonal Stitching, Natural Herringbone Tape, Natural Drawcord
Made in
made in usa
Fit guide
Est. Ship
July / August 2024
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"I wanted to tell you how much I love the rainbow nep natural t-shirts. After over a year of trying to find my everyday t-shirt, this is finally it. I have four of them now and they are basically all I wear."
-Anne F.
Verified Buyer
"Never thought I would find a denim company that I feel like is a community."
-Richard S.
Verified Buyer
"My 1968s came in the mail yesterday…They're amazing! From the fit (thank you for all the hand-holding!) to the detailing, I'm blown away. Just tremendous quality at any price point, but the value here is off the charts."
-Scott S.
Verified Buyer
"They arrived. And they are really special. I wore them all day yesterday and they were amazing. Now that I know how your stuff fits on my body, I can have a little more confidence ordering in the future. You have beautiful stuff."
-Timothy H
Verified Buyer
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